Premium service rates
Marketing Fees
Applied only if at least one product is subject to discounts / promotions ends up in the cart; the Marketing Fee is 3% of the cart’s total.
Example: you decide to sell Product A at a discount while Product B at a full price.
- Scenario 1: Buyer takes A and B. Then you are charged the Marketing Fee on the total.
- Scenario 2: The buyer only purchases B. Then you are not charged any Marketing Fee. Zero costs! Nothing!
You only pay for the marketing tool when it brings you benefits.
Safe Transaction Fee
Only applied if the buyer chooses to use the Safe Transaction service via online payment; the Safe Transaction Fee is 5% of the amount paid.
- Scenario 1: the buyer chooses the Safe Transaction service. Then you are charged the Safe Transaction Fee on the amount paid.
- Scenario 2: the buyer chooses to pay outside the platform. Then you are not charged any Safe Transaction Fee. Zero costs! Nothing!
You only pay for the Safe Transaction tool when it brings you benefits.
Support Fees
Support for setting up the store and sales tools. It is an hourly rate and the number of hours depends on your needs.
Customization fee
For the implementation of customized features, our engineering team is at your complete disposal. It is an hourly rate and the number of hours depends on your needs.